My Story is Art – Not Just Another Year

A favorite by Linda Abbott and the very first Sculpted Blooms I made in college.  Image by Darkershadesofbrown

It seems every year around this time I think way too much.  Tis the season to turn another year older, in 5 days exactly and what my birthday brings besides the standard (much loved) celebrations is a smidge of nagging doubt.

I attended a viewing yesterday of a 94 year old man who up until 2 years ago was still mowing lawn and shoveling snow.  Amazing.  I sat with family last night for hours, celebrating this man’s life and expounding on my own and those of so many I love.  We gathered to celebrate what was his last year and all the 93 before so full of verve, dedication and commitment.  I didn’t know this man well but in just a few short hours last night he taught me a lesson.   Every year passes, every day passes too quickly.  Some days are loud, some are a whisper and each emotion that comes forward whether anticipated or not is an opportunity to live your best life or fall short.

I choose live my best life, to resist the temptation to worry my days away.

I choose to dive into each moment no matter how small it might be, because they all count.


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